Monday, 27 September 2010

Magic Kids - Superball

Been away for a little while, 'aven't I! Well I'm back now :) Here are the Magic Kids, the happiest sounding band ever?!

Quite a lot of the Beach Boys in there!

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Today we're honouring one of the coolest bands on the planet..
Cindy, from Brighton's Mama San, said one of her style icons is Karen O, which reawakened my own love for her and her insanely good band the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

Let the homage commence!


I remember being 12 when my brother started uni and staying up late to watch Later...with Jools Holland while he was visiting. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs came on and they just sounded like a bunch of crazy people making noise, and it was brilliant. 

Plus my dad hated it which made it even better. 

Even if you don't like the punky songs, which pretty much is the entirety of Fever to Tell, I defy anyone to dislike Maps. It's such a gorgeous song. 


Look at this video with all Yeah Yeah Yeahs' fans in it...makes you feel fuzzy inside doesn't it. 

IT'S BLITZ - 2009

Now, in 2009 they decided to go all electro on us...damn. No wait, this is brilliant too! Hurray! 

Now for a few pictures on Karen O, because this woman can pull off anything. Mainly because she doesn't seem to give a flying rat's arse about what people think about her. Nice!

Karen O composed almost all of the songs on the soundtrack to this film in collaboration with Carter Burwell. The film was directed by her former boyfriend Spike Jonze. Bandmate Nick Zinner co-wrote "All is Love", which was nominated for the "Grammy Award for Best Song Written for a Motion Picture, Television or Other Visual Media", a songwriter's award, at the 2010 Grammy Awards.

I love this film! Everyone has to see it, big person or small.

The song on this trailer is by Arcade Fire...We won't discuss them today, that's opening up a whole other barrel of fanaticism... 

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Interview - Mama San

Cindy, the co-mastermind behind one our of favourite independent Brighton stores Mama San tells us about the store, her fascinating life and what's in store for the future...

Hello Mama San, who is the main mastermind behind your super-cute exterior? Me.  Whenever I go on holiday I always make a point in finding independent boutiques with kitsch and cute window displays.  I was in Japan last year and their displays were awesome.  Small antique shops along the south coast also have really quirky, interesting displays too.  

Is there anyone else involved in the running of Mama San? Yes, my Husband Bruce.
What did you do before Mama San? I worked as Youth Worker.  Working with young Asylum Seekers.

Are you from Brighton originally? If not, what attracted you to living here? I grew up in Hong Kong and have lived in Brighton for almost 20 years.  My Mum always wanted to live by the sea, so when she told us we were moving to Brighton from Hong Kong we followed.

What is your mission?  Promote local and national artists/designers and illustrators.  Get their work out there so they are given the credit they truly and rightly deserve.  Provide people with unusual, hand made products and a personal shop atmosphere that the High St cannot provide. 

Where do you see Mama San in 5 years time?  Expanding our sister knitwear brand - Jojo and Mac

Your best selling items include a sweater with a rabbit on and a vest with kittens on. Why do you think your customers are most attracted to these clothes?  They are handmade with love and the designs are created by up and coming designers with fresh, unique ideas.  Animal inspired products are always popular because they are cute as hell and super kitsch.  

What sort of customers do you find in your shop most often?  All types, all ages.

Why did you decide to open Mama San?  My cousins used to customise our clothes.  People always commented on her creations.  Then another friend started customising clothes too which were really cute.  After a while I came up with this idea of having a shop selling and promoting hand made pieces, mixed with other brands and some vintage.  I started looking around for outlets and a friend put me on to a landlord who had a shop to let in Gloucester Rd.  I knew it was the right shop straight away.

What's it like having a shop in Brighton, are you part of a secret shop owners club that no-one else knows about?  Its brilliant.  Gloucester Rd has a great community.  We've had lots of street parties over the years.  I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

What is your favourite thing about Brighton? The diversity of people and the liberal outlook of the people who live here

And your least favourite? High St chains moving into the Laines.

Where is all your amazing stock from? A real mix.  Local and national designers.  Small London brands.  Vintage. 

Who are you ultimate style icons? Pink Ladies (Grease) , Chloe Sevigny, Jean Seberg, Coco Chanel

You always have great music playing in your store, who are your favourite acts at the moment?  Yeah Yeah Yeah's are always at the top of my list.  But right now I'm listening to a lot of Warpaint, The Vaselines and The ABC Club

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Nails of the week - Holiday edition

I did my friend's nails. Hey Kez!  I think they turned out well, I just wish I had taken my green varnish on holiday to do tiny leaves with.

My nails are the black ones below, I used No. 7 matt top coat. It looks better without the glare of the flash!

John Legend - Wake Up Everybody

I'm back! :)

Wake Up Everybody
Uploaded by yardie4lifever2. - More video blogs and vloggers.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Hurts - Wonderful Life

I love how stylish this video is.

Mark Ronson & The Business Intl. - The Bike Song

Here is the video for The Bike Song.

There's something I really want to say about video it, consider it a warning, but I won't. You just have to wait and see. You'll know what it is when you see it. Then you will cry.

Friday, 3 September 2010

Nails of the week

Ignore the edges! I always seem to bung on nail varnish when I'm dying to go to bed so it's not always so neat...maybe next time, eh.

It's a bow and a moustache by the way. 

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Back to school playlist

Enjoy this Back to school playlist on spotify. Don't say I don't give you anything...

 I love this guy for breaking down a very serious social taboo: food related tattoos. Amen, brother!


I want me some chinos. They looks so elegant and, as my mum would say, chic.






Bone Thugs & B.I.G. - Notorious Thugs (Stephan Jacobs Dubstep Remix)


Supa Nails

Love love love Supa Nails! How is it possible to paint nails so neatly?! This lady is putting good use to her ambidextrous hands.

Look at her tumblr here

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Transport for London and Mark Ronson

This is another gem from Mark Ronson and the Business Intl. feat Kyle Falconer.

I don't think the official video for it exists just yet, so here's this cute video about cycling around London instead.

In case you don't know me and haven't heard me rattle on about it before, I really really want a mint green retro bike with a basket on the front. If anyone has a spare £300...

 I don't even know or care what make this bike is, I actually need it.

Ty - Emotions

I love this song! The witty lyrics are amazing, as is his dress sense!