Instead of trying to explain this myself, I'll just show you what the creator of Pictures of Muslims Wearing Things explain. It pretty much does what it says on the tin.
"Former NPR analyst Juan Williams, among other ignorant people, has an irrational fear of Muslims, and thinks you can identify them based on what they look like. Here I will post pictures of Muslims wearing all sorts of things in an attempt to refute that there is such a thing as "Muslim garb" or a Muslim look."
I really like this idea. It doesn't take itself too seriously but it makes a great and very much needed point. Wait a second, Muslims are normal people too! Hooray!
Here are some of my favourites, if that's the right word...
"Hayat Sindi sports some seriously enviable cheekbones."
I posted this one mainly because she has cheek bones like my mum...just spreading the jealousy.
"Green might be a typically “Muslim” color, but Shaquille O’Neal also looks better in it for other reasons."
"Tabla master Zakir Hussain usually wears a kurta, and can wear out a pair of drums like nobody’s business."
"Kartini, a Javanese princess and heroine, sports traditional Javanese wedding couture. An Indonesian Muslim, she lived only from 1879-1904, but she had a tremendous influence in her short life and is highly honored in Indonesia today (Indonesia being the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country). An early feminist, she established a school for girls in her own home, and had many schools established in her name after her death. The wedding outfit is typical of that worn by Javanese Muslims to this day. This is classic Muslim garb.'