Saturday, 24 July 2010

Jelly snakes...worms...whatever

I have gone two whole months without blogging about food which is amazing because it's all I ever talk about, or so I'm told!

I also haven't mentioned my other blog, so what a perfect time to plug it! Cake and Saucer. It's feeling a little neglected while I focus on this one.

My friend and I are currently addicted to jelly snakes. Not just any old jelly snakes, but Natural Confectionery Company Jelly Snakes!

We would pick the only sweets that apparently no newsagents stock and they usually have one wrack in a supermarket. We obviously need more than one wrack...

They're even more delicious when you realise they don't contain scary sounding chemicals like maltodextrin, trisodium citrate and e147.

However, their website is a little scary. They seem to treat it as a cautionary tale for jelly snakes around the world.

"Scrumy, yummy, snakes. Lying in the packet. All tasty, fruity and jelly-ey. No arms, no legs, no escape. They're ready to be eaten, ready and waiting, ready for you to pull them and stretch them apart.
But first, you're going to need to make a really important decision...head or tail."

"No arms, no legs, no escape" this a bag of sweets or a jelly snake grave yard?!

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